
Songkran Festival: Thai Water Festival

Songkran Festival: Thai Water Festival

Splash Splash! April 13 to 15 of every year is the time of the year when Thais and international tourists look forward to. Songkran is known as Thailand’s water festival and is the national celebration of the traditional Thai New Year. Thais believe that water is soul purifying. It rinses away any bad luck or negativity in the past and blesses you with luck, wealth, and happiness for the upcoming...

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Top 5 Best Sports to Help You Get Active

Top 5 Best Sports to Help You Get Active

Swimming Stress and anxiety drift away with water. Swimming is an ideal workout for literally anyone at any age. The sound of water boosts alpha wave activity—those brain waves are associated with relaxation and inspiration. Swimming is one of the most popular sports in the world. It can be done for leisure or for competition. Recreational swimming can be a low-impact workout and it’s also a good way to relax...

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5 Interesting Facts about St.Patrick’s Day

5 Interesting Facts about St.Patrick’s Day

1. St.Patrick was actually not Irish It is widely known that St.Patrick was the patron saint of Ireland, which there might have been a misunderstanding that St.Patrick was Irish. Actually, he was born in Britain and raised by Roman parents later on. At the age of 16, he was kidnapped by Irish raiders and was marketed as a slave to a Celtic priest in Northern Ireland. After laboring for about...

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International Women’s Day: The Equality of Genders

International Women’s Day: The Equality of Genders

What is it like to be a woman? It takes days or months to answer that question or maybe impossible. For some people, being a woman means being soft and gentle. However, for some, womanhood is strength. The measurement of a woman’s strength is not measured by the effect of hard times that she has been through, but it is measured by how she handles tough situations and who she...

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